The Arthropoda Tarot Deck
($25.30 + shipping)
If you buy them through me, I will draw a bug on the box. For a lower price and faster shipping, order through the printer (you don’t get the drawing though)
($28+$10 for shipping)
We need them to pollinate fruits, flowers, and vegetables, or we would get almost none. We need them to act as a recycling system, to bring dead animals and vegetation back to the Earth. Some plants, like certain flowers, aren’t able to blossom without an ant eating the sweet layer and releasing the bud, and some plants aren’t able to grow without insects removing a layer from the seeds. Plus, they’re an important food source for other animals.
They help us, and the rest of the planet thrive
In addition to being an important part of our lives, they make a rich, beautiful, and grounded metaphor for the transformations and challenges we go through in our lives and the choices we make. That’s why I chose them for my Tarot deck.