The painting giveaway winner has been chosen

The painting giveaway winner has been chosen

The winner of the painting giveaway has been chosen. You can watch the drawing here, to find out who it is. I will be contacting the winner tonight. Should this person not respond within a week, I’ll draw a new name from the bowl....
A Swallow for Agility

A Swallow for Agility

This is an amulet art piece for mental and physical agility. To be able to think and move fast and with grace. The subject is a Swallow, more specifically a House Martin (Delichon urbicum). It’s a pencil drawing on sketch paper. Size: 25 x 25 cm...
Talion, the budgie

Talion, the budgie

Sibylle, who’s a dear friend of mine, once suggested I should draw her budgies. So here’s the first; Talion. He’s a blue and white budgie and I have him sitting on his perch, but I removed the cage. Size: 30.5 x 22.9 cm...


The editor of a magazine asked me for a drawing of Loki, the jotun trickster from Norse mythology because the magazine had some related material in the next issue, and of course, I said yes. So many people are anti-Loki because of some misconception that he’s...
The Great Tit, one of our lovely little backyard visitors

The Great Tit, one of our lovely little backyard visitors

This drawing of a Great Tit (Parus major) was something I’ve thought of doing for a while now. I got the idea to do this little bird from watching the ones in our backyard. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing quite a few of these from our kitchen window. Since...

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