Helping Herbs – Take the pain away

Helping Herbs – Take the pain away

Now I’m not in that much pain after surgery on Tuesday, but I wanted to write this post anyway. As many of you might know, I have a couple of chronic pain issues, and since I know some of you do too, this is for you. This is actually where I first got into...
Chronic illness is not the end

Chronic illness is not the end

For those of you who just got your diagnosis, this might seem nuts, but for those of you who have lived with chronic illness for some time, I hope it makes sense. Having a chronic illness is not mean the end! You don’t have to stop doing everything you love....
Remember to make time for yourself

Remember to make time for yourself

It’s very easy to forget to make time for yourself, especially if you have a full-time job and kids. I’ve been there and done that, plus all the housework despite chronic pain. You probably wish you had more time to yourself. Well, you’re not getting...
Osteoarthritis: Shoulder Check-Up

Osteoarthritis: Shoulder Check-Up

I went in for a post-surgery check-up of my shoulder this afternoon. My appointment was at dinner time, which I didn’t like, but there was no other option. The shoulder is still very painful, more so than before surgery and I can’t sleep on that side....
Osteoarthritis: Going in for Shoulder Surgery

Osteoarthritis: Going in for Shoulder Surgery

If you don’t hear much from me the next few days, it’s because I’m going in for shoulder surgery on my left shoulder tomorrow. The surgery is to stabilize the shoulder joint, which has always been unstable and has become painful as a result of my...

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