One of the things I wish I could fix with magic is my Internet connection. It isn’t that bad, I’ve got 6/0,7 Mbps, but when hubs is playing during the weekends, I have to use the internet through my phone. This is because the upload speed is too slow for both of us to use it. He gets booted off the servers for high ping. Since I rule the connection during the week, he gets priority during the weekend evenings.
The biggest problem with using the mobile phone for Internet is that we only get GPRS here (at best). There is 4G in more urban areas, but we’re too far away from the closest antenna, and there are mountains in the way. I wish I could conjure up a fiber connection since our house is 50 meters from the national backbone, but I can’t.We can’t just jump on it either, even though hubs has experience in working with fiber optics.
They’d notice the leak, and we wouldn’t get an IP anyway. I have created a pressure group on Facebook to get companies that do provide fiber-optic Internet to come to this area faster. The ones I’ve been in touch with say they’ll come if there’s enough interest. That’s one problem of living in a village of 500 where most people have no need or interest in faster Internet.
Good luck in your quest for faster internet, Linda, it’s amazing how much we have come to rely on it for so much nowadays!
Thanks 🙂 Yes it is. Especially those of us who have Internet based businesses would really have problems if it went away.
Good luck with your quest for better net! I couldn’t cope without my connection!
Thanks 🙂 I can cope, but I’d be annoyed.