Are you stubborn? Do you keep on going, no matter what? I know I am. I have many examples of how stubborn I am, but I’m only going to give you one in this post. On Thursday I had surgery to stabilize my right shoulder, and to fix an impinged tendon. This was done to prevent further damage to the joint. So it won’t take away the pain, but it might keep it from getting worse. The result of this is that I have to wear a sling on my right arm day and night for three weeks. The complete recovery is expected to be 6 months. I refuse to let this stop me from doing what I want. I keep going, within the limits of the surgeon’s instructions of course. I don’t want to mess this up.
Since I had the surgery, I have
- made a bunch of phone calls (setting up appointments)
- written and published 2 blog posts
- written and sent a guest post
- written and sent two newsletters
- recorded and published a podcast episode
- recorded a radio show
- done the regular housework (a minimum of course)
- driven my daughter to and from school (I have a stick shift)
- worked on the bullet points for my new big program
- started planning the creativity challenge I’m hosting in October
I decided to drop these three weeks are the videos, and the painting; I really want to have the use of my right hand when painting. I believe my stubbornness, and my positive attitude is what’s kept me going. Of course it does cause problems on occasion, but you can’t have the cake and eat it too. So now I want to hear from you; How stubborn are you? Do you keep on going, or do you quit? (The painting that I used to illustrate this post, is an amulet art piece for stubbornness)
Depending on the situation &/or person, I can be quite stubborn or determined or vicious.
Me too 🙂
Yes, I am most of the time. I like to call myself determined, more than stubborn. But again, there are times that I let things go, it really depends.
You are really an inspiration, Linda! Wising you rapid recovery.
Thank you Delia 🙂 I’m doing fine. I’m mostly just annoyed at not getting to use my right hand 😀 Determined is probably a more positive word to use.
I wouldn’t refer to myself as stubborn. If I had an injury, I would do what I could, but I would take the time to rest as well. Our bodies heal much quicker when we allow them to rest and get lots of sleep. I’m not saying be lazy and ignore everything else in life, but just take a time out and let your body do what it needs to do.
I’ taking it easier, but I’m a very impatient woman 😀 I’m not doing anything to risk ruining the recovery process, but I won’t let it keep me down. The expected recovery for this is 6 months. The pain won’t go away, but they hope the damage won’t get worse
PS – I certainly hope you feel better soon too 🙂
You might call it being stubborn, but it’s more like determination to me. That’s the best kind of stubborn to be! My mom was one determined lady. She made sure we had a good quality of life even though we didn’t have much money. I think it takes that kind of determination to make good things happen, no matter what! Congrats on having so much of it!
Determination is a better word 🙂 Thanks
How is your shoulder doing now?
It’s doing well, considering I had surgery a week ago. My physical therapist is pleased with the range of movement. Thanks for asking 🙂
Yes, I do consider myself to be stubborn, determined or tenacious. They all fit and depending on the mood – I am one or the other! 🙂 So many times I want to give-up when something isn’t going my way, but I don’t want to give-up so I stubbornly push ahead. I haven’t had any physical ailments that slowed me down and admittedly then I would probably slow down so I can heal properly. But it sounds like you’re being mindful of your shoulder/arm. I hope it heals quickly so you go full steam ahead!!
Thanks 🙂 It’s good to know there are more of us out there 😀
I’m stubborn to an extent by willing to meet someone halfway and compromise on somethings. On others, no way! I’m stubborn!
Hope you get to feeling better soon and that shoulder gives you a break!
Thanks Bren 🙂 I compromise on some things too
hmmm, I wouldn’t say I’m stubborn. Maybe more determined if the situation is right. I’ll admit to being lazy at times too.
After I had my second child, and second c-section, I was determined to walk and get the heck out of the hospital. I had my husband and 3-yr-old at home, I wanted out. Normally they keep you 3 days — I left by the 2nd with an okay from my Dr.
Determined is a good word 🙂 I’m lazy at times myself. I left a day early after my C-section too. They let me go because I was doing so well. It was better that someone who needed it used the room.
I can be stubborn Linda but I don’t think I keep on going no matter what. I believe I set limits on myself. Not sure if that is good or bad. I hope you feel better soon!
Setting limits is a good thing, as long as they don’t keep you from living full life 🙂
Hey Linda, stopping on by from Corina’s blog hop.
How stubborn I am in part depends on what the issue is. There are times I’ve given in to something because the situation at hand wasn’t important enough to push through. On the other hand, I can be quite stubborn, when needed.
Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 As long as you’re stubborn when it counts, it’s all good.
Hi Linda,
So sorry about your shoulder and hope you make a good recovery. Love the donkey and yes, I can be VERY stubborn, as in dog with bone. Most recent example I can think of was my refusal to give up on our cat, which went missing at the end of May – we just kept looking, wouldn’t give up hope, and finally found him, 14 weeks after he disappeared (in the next village, about 3 miles away!) as a result of an article we put in our local community newspaper. If we hadn’t kept trying, we’d never have found him.
I think being stubborn can be a positive quality as long, as you say, you set yourself some limits.
All the best for a speedy recovery 🙂
It was planned surgery to correct hypermobility 🙂 It seems you were right to be stubborn about the cat. I’m glad you found him. Thanks 🙂