I thought I’d share some garden pictures today. My herb bed and the flower beds are a sorry sight right now, but they’ll look a lot better this summer. The stone bed by the garage is getting dug up and re-planted, and I’m adding some annuals to the small flower bed and the herb bed. The biggest addition will be the witch’s garden or spiritual area.

The small flower bed by the South wall. The flooding did a number on this one, but I think the lilies, crocus and peony will survive it.

The Southern part of the stone bed. I covered it in an attempt to get rid of the weeds, but we’ll have to dig it up. That’s why I’m asking a couple of guys over for dinner later

The South Eastern part of the stone bed. Digging it up and rebuilding the wall. The bed below it, barely visible in the lower left corner, will be removed.

What I woke up to this morning; dense snowfall. All the snow has gone away now though
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So nice to see your garden again 🙂 You’ll have to keep taking pictures of your progress, it’ll be great to see it coming along!
I will 🙂