I’m simplifying my schedule to lessen the workload a bit and make things easier. It’s a matter of taking care of myself and making time for what’s most important. As you probably know, I have quite a few things going on every week and the way I’ve been doing it so far has gotten a bit much. So there will be some changes but you’ll still get as much from me as you are now. Some things will be a bit different, but I’m not sacrificing any of my projects. I’m making the process more efficient and focused.

The first noticeable change is the one you see today. I’ve decided to move my weekly Tarot card off my blog and have it only on the podcast and the facebook page for my readings. This is so I won’t have to do them twice a week. I work a little bit less, and you get a better quality reading.

This means that for it all to sync up, there will be no card today. Next week’s card will be posted on the podcast on Thursdays and on the facebook page on Mondays.


  1. lynne

    Hi, that’s great, sometimes we really have to simplify things in order to focus more on other things.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes. I talked to a fellow entrepreneur this week, and mentioned what I do regularly. She said I was nuts to do all that in a month, then I told her that’s what I do in a week 🙂


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