I decided to write about rules this time because I don’t enjoy being told what to do. Earlier this week, someone tried to tell me how to use my runes. Everyone is, of course, entitled to their own opinion, but so am I. If this person should read this, please don’t be hurt by this, it’s not meant to be personal.
I hate being told to follow the Wiccan Rede, or the (so called) law of threefold return, as I’m not Wiccan. I don’t like being told to live by the Nine Noble Virtues either, as those were listed by the Troth and aren’t mine. If it’s needed, and within my own moral boundaries, I’ll do it, thank you very much!
I don’t like being told I have to cast a circle, or it won’t work. I know it does anyway!
I don’t particularly enjoy being told I have to call the Norns, or Odin for that matter when doing readings with runes, or I’m doing it wrong.
I don’t like when people say I have to use a certain material for my runes either. I’ve got experience that says it works even if they’re on paper.
Of course I don’t enjoy being told fold my clothes a certain way or walk a certain way or dress a certain way either, who does?
Do you have similar problems?
Why do these people think they know so much better?
What makes them think they have the right to tell us we’re wrong?
It’s one thing when it’s coming from someone experienced, but when you know it’s a newbie, it’s that much more annoying.
“The ancient ones did it this way”, bullshit I say. We don’t have enough sources to say what they did and didn’t do when it comes to readings and magic. I bet they used what was available to them, and did what was needed without a lot of fluff.
Another thing is that the world has changed, society has changed. So we can’t keep doing things the same way. A loaf of bread doesn’t hold the same value anymore, and most of us no longer believe that the life of an animal or human is ours to give.
I’m not saying I am the foremost expert at anything, but I have the right to do things my way. I’ve done this for over 20 years, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what to do and what works for me.
I do, of course, have my own set of values, moral code or whatever you call it. I haven’t written them down , as that would be a very long list. It’s stored in my gut feeling, so to speak. I might bring it up in a blog post someday if anyone’s interested.
This post is part of the Pagan Blog Project, created by Rowan Pendragon.
I totally agree with you, Linda! My personal belief is that INTENTION is 95% of it! As long as you are setting a clear intention for whatever is is you are hoping to accomplish – it works!
Thanks 🙂 That’s true. Most of us learn that as we go. And no one is ever fully learned. So those at the beginning of their path should really not try to boss people around.
BRAVO my friend! BRAVO!!! This carries over to EVERY PERSON on the planet!!! I don’t like being told I am going to hell because I am not a Christian. relating to the divination, I was told that I could not buy my own tarot decks – that I had to wait for someone to give me one! WOW … I’d still be waiting! o.O Or that you cannot “collect” tarot decks — WHAT??? Keep on believin’ what you want. If that is how you do it, GREAT! Don’t tell ME how to do it! Pure and simple! I agree with you on the 3 fold and wicca “rules” — I am NOT WICCAN — therefore to NOT tell me I have to abide by them!
Being the saucy wench that I am, I really don’t take kindly to people telling me what to do or how I should do things or on and on when it comes to my beliefs. I tell them how it is and if they don’t like it, there’s the door! I really am not nice about it anymore. That’s my 2 cents 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I have a habit of speaking my mind 🙂 Those who can’t take that, can take a hike, as far as I’m concerned. That and my lack of patience made it super hard to work support 😀
I’ve heard that about tarot too, total BS. There’s also that thing about not letting anyone else touch cards/runes/crystals. Total hysteria, and not based on anything remotely real. My decks and runes work just fine. They’re just tools!
I hear ya, sistah! Holy crapoli, if I have the Wiccan Rede thrown at me one more time, or if I’m told if I “don’t do that” or “don’t do this” then my magic won’t work, I will SCREAM.
I was reviewing a book on sigil magic, and the author kept saying “You must do this,” and “You must do that.” It drove me CRAZY.
It drives me nuts every time. Probably in part because I hate being told what to do in mundane situations as well.
See? That’s what I’m talking about. I got really tired of people telling me I “had” to cast circles and call on this God or that Goddess or do things any particular way. Those types of rules are truly stupid, and there is no proof for them.
FYI: Wicca was created in the 1960’s. ‘Based on ancient tradition’ is not “an ancient religion.”
I mean 1960’s here in the US. But still, only started in the late 1880’s to early 1930’s depending on which history book and country you are reading.
Yes, and depending on the integrity and knowledge of those who wrote it.
I know 🙂 Gardner and company created it 🙂 But a lot of new Wiccans love to think it’s an unbroken tradition. There are also two Norwegians I know of, who claim they’re descendants of Völvas, and that all their foremothers have been Volvas in an unbroken line. Therefore they are too. There are also thousands of Americans who claim they know more about Asatru than the Scandinavian scientists. I think an English word for this is Hogwash!
I’m with ya. I despise being told what to do, how to do it and when I can do it. Don’t DICTATE to me. Ugh! I feel ya gf! 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I love the response I’ve gotten on this post. I just hope those people get the message.
Yes! When I was brand-new I did things by the book but I now have my own way. Sometimes I cast circle, sometimes I don’t. My ritual can be formal or informal. Now, I don’t let folks touch my witchy things and I do believe in Law of Return (not to be confused with 3-fold law). Oh, I’ve changed my correspondences to fit my geographical location and I celebrate cross quarter days on the astronomical dates. I do things my way and if it no longer suits me, I change it. One more thing: Lammas doesn’t mean harvest to me since I’m not a farmer. It means back-to-school and I celebrate it accordingly. I dare someone to tell me I’m wrong!
Sounds good 🙂 Everyone should adapt thei prctice to who they are