I had a new appointment at the Rheumatology department today.
As expected, nothing showed up on the X-rays. This time I talked to another Rheumatologist, who’s a specialist in fibromyalgia. She disagreed with the other doctor’s diagnosis. I don’t jump when she presses the trigger points, and I have too few of the other symptoms.
She urged me to lose weight, make sure I got enough Omega-3 (I’ve already changed my diet and I get enough Omega-3). She also urged me to exercise, if not with weights then pulling a toboggan with a kid in it up a hill helps a lot. I should get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. (Which I intended to begin doing anyway.)
She gave me a referral to physical therapy and chose to ‘hang’ it on my knee diagnosis and my BMI. This should give me the possibility to do some weight training during work hours.
She said that there was no need for further follow-ups by the Rheumatology department and sent me on my way.