This season is all about showing your family and friends that you love them. But you should also remember to show yourself some love. To give yourself something, like a gift, is one way to do that. Here are some pieces of art made by friends and acquaintances. I love them, and I’m sure you will to.

Shopping for art for someone else is very hard. You have to really know and consider their taste, what’s suitable for their home, and what kind of space they have available. When you shop for yourself, you already know all that.

If you love this artwork as much as I do, buy it.

Or do what I did and share it so someone else can find it and buy it. The artwork is linked to the artist’s facebook page. Just so you can give them a well-deserved “Like”.

1. “Emerald Sea” by Matthew Cornell

"Emerald Sea" by Matthew Cornell

He does amazingly realistic waves. Rachel is not part of the bargain 🙂

2. “One in a Million” by Kellee Wynne Conrad

"One in a Million" by Kellee Wynne Conrad

I’ve loved Kellee Wynne’s landscapes for a while now. This is one of them that’s still for sale.

3. “Oolong” by Candace N’Diaye

"Oolong" by Candace N'Diaye

Candace is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. She does intuitive paintings as well as photography.

4. “Fire Portal” by Allison Crow

"Fire Portal" by Allison Crow

Allison primarily portrays herself as a coach, but her art is amazing too.

5. “Apep” by Svartmaling 

"Apep" by Svartmaling

The woman behind Svartmaling prefers not to have her name publicized at the moment. That’s why it isn’t posted here. Her style is a lot darker than the others and features Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Norse mythology, as well as runes and other creatures.

As you see they’re very different. I hope one is to your taste.

Remember to share them if you can’t buy them right now.

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  1. Sibylle

    So true, this principle doesn’t just apply to “the season” either. I have completely changed the way I do things: I pay myself first, I give myself gifts first. Far from being selfish, this enables me to overflow with abundance to others 🙂

  2. Linda Ursin

    A very good decision. I can definitely understand things like kids coming first. But if you don’t take care of you, how can you take care of others?

  3. Kellee

    Thank you Linda! You are so kind to continually support me and other artists. I’m so honored that I can bring joy to others through my art.


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Remember to give yourself something
Linda Ursin
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