Today’s rune from the Elder Futhark is Ur or Uruz (sound value: u, a bit like the ‘ew’ in crew.).

Ur stands for the Auroch, an ancient species of Ox. Ur stands for stability, strength (physical or psychological), endurance, courage, virility, protection, luck, new beginnings, positive changes, steady but slow progress and untamed potential. I also see it as a kind of primal force, life force if you will. It’s very connected to Earth, ‘both feet planted firmly on the ground’ is an expression that comes to mind.

Merkstave: Misdirected energy, inconsistency, blocked potential. You have to find the obstacles and remove them to move on. You’re on shaky ground, make sure to get back to a more stable place.

What’s your take on this rune? Leave me a comment below.

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