Look what Frank Pryor made for me 🙂 A portrait! There’s no doubt that it’s me in the drawing.
Frank Pryor is an artist from a town called Littleton, in Colorado (near Denver) USA who creates lifelike portraits and caricatures of people of all ages, and animals of all kinds. He has a great technical skill and some of his illustrations have even been used in medical journals. He also likes to create characters for children’s books and on top of all that he’s also a Paleo-artist.
He’s active in a regional Paleontological Society in Denver and creates concepts of extinct animals from fossil remains. I first connected with Frank via LinkedIn, where we belong to a group of artists called Art Promotion Artist Motivation. When he said he’d do a portrait of me, the offer amazed me, and I am very thankful that he did this. Being an artist myself, I know how much work goes into a portrait. I think he did a great job with this portrait 🙂 By the way, he had to work from this photo, I didn’t go to see him:
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Wow! That’s an awesome likeness! He did a fab job!
Thanks 🙂 I think so too. I sent him the link to my post…
Thanks so much Linda and Bren for the kind words! I certainly appreciate it! Creating Linda’s portrait was certainly my pleasure.
The majority of my commissions come from referrals from clients and as my way of
“Paying it Forward” I am offering a 30% discount for any sized portrait, sketch or caricature, just for mentioning that you were referred by Linda! And as she mentioned, I work from your favorite photos! Just visit my website and sign up for my monthly newsletter. Thanks again!
That’s a great offer Frank 🙂
Very nice. Those random acts of kindness mean so much don’t they. The fact he did this out of the kindness of his heart makes the portrait even more beautiful.
Yes they do, and in today’s world they’re all the more rare
That’s amazing! I can’t lie, I’m a little bit jealous!!
Visiting from UBC 🙂
Maybe he does one for you next time 🙂
Hi Linda, that likeness is incredible, I love to see artists work. Not being able to draw myself I am always in awe of their talent 🙂
According to the teachers I’ve seen online, everyone’s able to. It’s just a matter of practice and getting used to your own style.
Brilliant – he found something that wasn’t obvious from the picture, but is well known to those who know you.
Thanks 🙂 (the chin? :D)
I just re-discovered you online, Linda. It’s been quite awhile since I
captured your image with my pencil! What are you up to these days?
It’s been a while yes 🙂 I have since moved away from my then-husband and I’m running my art and design business as best I can without funds. Since covid hit the world, it’s been hard to find inspiration though.So I haven’t gotten much done since then. Just a few smaller things.