Look what Frank Pryor made for me 🙂 A portrait! There’s no doubt that it’s me in the drawing.

Portrait by Frank Pryor

Portrait by Frank Pryor

Frank Pryor is an artist from a town called Littleton, in Colorado (near Denver) USA who creates lifelike portraits and caricatures of people of all ages, and animals of all kinds. He has a great technical skill and some of his illustrations have even been used in medical journals. He also likes to create characters for children’s books and on top of all that he’s also a Paleo-artist.

He’s active in a regional Paleontological Society in Denver and creates concepts of extinct animals from fossil remains. I first connected with Frank via LinkedIn, where we belong to a group of artists called Art Promotion Artist Motivation. When he said he’d do a portrait of me, the offer amazed me, and I am very thankful that he did this. Being an artist myself, I know how much work goes into a portrait. I think he did a great job with this portrait 🙂 By the way, he had to work from this photo, I didn’t go to see him:

Linda Ursin


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Look At the Portrait He Made of Me
Portrait by Frank Pryor
Linda Ursin
Linda Ursin
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