I’m a day late with my post because Jonny’s parents decided to stay another day. But here it is. This year’s Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap is over, and it was as fun to see what others create this year, as the previous two years I’ve been in the swap. We end the swap with a blog hop, and this is my entry. Check out the others by following the link below.

I created these cards and sent them to Kat for the postcard swap

I printed them on my printer. A lot of the others in the swap chose to order postcards with their art from a printing company.

A Donkey for Stubbornness LaugrCurious OtterCrane Tawny Owl

And here are the cards I received

A photo of the Bay Bridge in Newport, Oregon by Robert Bicknell

A photo of the Bay Bridge in Newport, Oregon by Robert Bicknell

Catie An

A Ferris wheel by Catie An

Jane Peeks

Heart of the Forest by Jane Peeks


Faerie Wood by Misha

Bonnie Jakobsen-Martin

Photo by Bonnie Jakobsen-Martin

Kat Sloma

Layered Autumn by Kat Sloma

I haven’t had time to reach out to the artists I received cards from, but I will do that soon. This year there hasn’t been any additional swap, but that’s ok. It was fun nonetheless. I plan to do it again next year. If you’re a creative, why not join us? Just hop on over to Kat Eye Studio, and sign up for the newsletter, and you’ll get info on the swap next year, in addition to creative ideas and beautiful artwork.


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  1. Claire

    Love the cards you sent, and you got some beauties in return 🙂
    Lovely to meet you through the swap and Happy Easter from England x

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 Yes I did. Lovely to meet you too

  2. Snap

    I’m loving the blog hop — I’m seeing so many postcards I hadn’t seen on FB! You received some great cards. I’m already looking forward to 2015!

    • Linda Ursin

      Me too 🙂 I was meaning to post them on FB as I got them, the same way I did last year. But time ran away from me. I’m looking forward to the next one as well.

  3. Candace

    Hi, nice cards, I haven’t seen them elsewhere. This was my 3rd yer, too. Not as many blogs participating this year, it seems, and I only saw one of my cards on Facebook, haven’t seen or heard from anyone else who received one.

    • Linda Ursin

      There was less activity overall this year. I hope it picks back up again next year, with more connections, more swapping on the side, and more sharing.

  4. Cheri

    It is so much fun seeing all the art that was liberated! You got a great set.

  5. Teresa

    I am thinking that there are a lot of people who were too busy with Easter preparations to participate. Anyway, I love your postcards, are they watercolors? I love your animals especially. 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      That’s probably true 🙂 Two of them are drawings, two are acrylics, and the Crane is a mix with watercolor and acrylics. Thanks 🙂

  6. janice Darby

    beautiful cards you got Linda, and as always I love what you have created!… if your interested in post swapping again this year, I still have a few extras?

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 I’m interested. I can always print more.

  7. HelenH

    Your drawings are wonderful. And thanks for sharing the cards you received. The Ferris wheel is my favorite!

  8. Sheila Delgado

    Lovely cards you sent out this year Linda! Thanks for sharing all the ones you received with us! Be well!

  9. Lui

    How nice of you to paint and print 5 different cards!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 I already had the paintings, I just printed the pictures of them

  10. Suzette

    Wow! I haven’t seen any of the cards you sent out or any of the cards you received…except Kat’s of course. You have some beautiful artwork represented in each and every one of them. Lovely painting too! See you next time!

  11. jill eudaly

    nice collection of cards. I hadn’t seen a few of these anywhere else so far on the hop.

  12. Andrea

    Just stopping by to say hello from the post card swap.

  13. catiean

    oh my gosh! I am THRILLED to see one of my postcards on your site!! This is my second year participating and haven’t heard from anyone or seen any on the blog hop. I was sadly unable to take part in the blog posts so am just visiting now. I live in Washington State in the US. I am so excited right now.

  14. catiean

    oh my goodness!!! I am so excited! I have just found one of my post cards—the ferris wheel. I live in Spokane Washington USA. This is my second year of participating and the first time I have come across one of my postcards. I am excited to see it made its way to the other side of the world!!

    Sadly I was not able to participate in the blog hop due to family circumstances and am just now following those that did.

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks for the ferris wheel 🙂 Loved it

  15. Marsha

    lovely cards sent and received! I really like your sandhill crane!


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Having fun in the Liberate Your Art 2014 Postcard Swap
A Donkey for Stubbornness
Curious Otter
Tawny Owl
A photo of the Bay Bridge in Newport, Oregon by Robert Bicknell
Catie An
Jane Peeks
Bonnie Jakobsen-Martin
Kat Sloma
Linda Ursin
Contact Me
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