I was lucky enough to get a ride here this morning, with hubs. Because he and Lilith decided to go to her grandparents. I got here around nine this morning. When I met the staff, they told me my stall neighbour wasn’t coming, so I could have the whole stall to myself. That’s 8 square meters of tables, all to myself 🙂
I set up my stalL at Kristin på Husaby for the next two hours, and the market opened at 11 AM. Sales started out really slow. By mid-day, I’d sold one pocket rune for 30 NOK ($5.40). I’ve sold a bit more now, and I’ve got a couple of orders to send out when I get home. A lot of people have been by to chat, smell and look. Some have taken business cards. So I hope they’ll order from the webshop later.
I’ve been handing out candy to kids and adults as well, and I sold a pocket rune to a little girl for 5 NOK, because she didn’t have 30. Selling little doesn’t really bother me. I’m mostly here to be seen and noticed. The weather’s been great. I actually dropped the medieval garb because of the heat. I’m glad I brought sunscreen. I’ve been recording a tiny bit of video, so I’ll put that on YouTube later. The market closes at 6 PM. Tonight they’re having a pub, among other things. I don’t think I’ll stop by that because the ticket is 200 NOK ($36). I’m saving having dinner until I’ve set up the tent.
Aren’t the little ones the cutest? I hope you have some better luck next time, but it does sound like you accomplished your goal of being seen! I’ve wanted to take some of my wears down to our market and try and sell them. But it’s $50 a weekend, and I worry I wouldn’t be able to sell enough to cover my overhead costs.
This one’s NOK 1000 ($180.25) a weekend, and 1500 ($ 270.38) if you want power. I was lucky to get a full stall, which otherwise would have cost me 2000 ($360.50) or 2500 (450.63) with power.