When I got home after a wonderful weekend with friends in Oslo on Sunday, I was mentally and spiritually energized. My body didn’t enjoy driving a total of 890 km/550 miles in one weekend, on my own, so I had to take it easy for a while after that.

Since I want to make it easier for myself, I’m sharing the photos today instead of writing a long post.

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/svehex/embed/slideshow/Bifrost/Tinget/2016"></iframe>

Where do you go to charge your batteries?

Do you remember to go there or do you run on empty? Leave a reply and then please pin the picture to the right.

Now I have to get back to cleaning. I can’t say I look forward to cleaning the house, but then I never do 😀 It’s not my favorite thing to be doing. I would much rather be connecting with you or creating than cleaning but it has to get done.

Why do I have to do this? My daughter turns 9 on Sunday! Her grandparents are coming on Sunday and her classmates are coming on Monday. I’ll have to charge my batteries again after that. I might call a friend on Skype 🙂

My trip to Oslo through the Norwegian mountains

Pin me please  🙂

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  1. Sibylle

    Gorgeous pictures! I’m glad you had a good time 🙂

    I don’t need much recharging these days because I’ve adapted my life to a rhythm which suits me much better than the way I lived before. So re-charging really happens daily, by dancing, shooting, swordfighting, resting, meeting friends, my spiritual practice, or spending time outdoors. A weekend away can be a great way to unplug too, though!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Sibylle 🙂 Glad to hear it. It’s a great way to unplug from more than the Internet

  2. Jocelyn

    I’ve just spent 2 weeks in Fiji. Mind you, it was hard work teaching art to kids in a village school but totally energizing!

    • Linda Ursin

      That sounds exciting and fun 🙂 despite the hard work


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
I charged up my batteries in Oslo (photos included)
My trip to Oslo through the Norwegian mountains
Linda Ursin
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