Being on vacation and totally unplugged from the Internet got me thinking about how to stay creative on vacation. I decided to post these suggestions because you might not have arrived at these solutions yet, and I want you to have a wonderful summer where you do all the things you love.

1. Use your phone

Most of us bring our phone on vacation, and if you have a smartphone, you can use it to be creative in several ways.

For example:

  • take pictures
  • record video
  • do photo manipulation using for example Pixlr
  • record audio
  • write

2. Bring a kit

Depending on your favorite form of creativity, you can put together a travel kit.

For example:

  • Pencils and a small sketchbook
  • Pre-cut pieces of fabric plus needle, thread, and scissors
  • A small set of watercolours, two brushes, a small box for water and a small pad of watercolour paper

3. Use available materials

You can use packaging or things from nature to create all kinds of fun things.

If you have kids, remember to involve them. It can make it even more fun, plus you keep them occupied and help them evolve their own creativity.

If you have any more suggestions for how to stay creative on vacation, please add them as a comment.

PS. If you have the time, and you want an extra dose of creativity, join the Color Outside the Lines workshop on Tuesday, July 28



  1. Lynn Louise Wonders

    The Iphone has been the greatest life addition in terms of having a place for creativity to express itself on the go! I love creating memes with photos I’ve captured. I love the app Letterglow.

    • Linda Ursin

      A smartphone sure helps 🙂 I use an Andriod myself, and both I and my daughter play with Pixlr.

  2. Shulamit Ber Levtov

    Linda, thank you for saying using a phone (camera) can be a creative act. I never remembered to bring a camera let alone take pics and even now I have a hard time remembering to get my phone out! But when I do remember and take pics, I love the feeling I get looking at them when I’m home.

    • Linda Ursin

      My pleasure 🙂 The more you do it, the more you get into the habit

  3. ling |

    Great tips, thanks Linda! I think it’s important to also stay open minded and improvise… that’s often when I get pleasantly surprised because I had to try something new and unexpected!

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes it is, plus experimenting to figure out what works for you. I’ve also found a lot of fun things when I’ve had to improvise. Thanks for taking the time to come by and comment Ling.

  4. Jacs Henderson

    Taking a break is a great idea, we can go back to being creative with pen and paper and playing with nature like when I grew up, or embrace technology on our phones just like you suggested… great for remembering and sharing those moments of relaxation and fun 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes, we can 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to comment Jacs

  5. Suzie Cheel

    Great lists and now I always take watercolors and a pad. Just need more breaks

    • Linda Ursin

      Good 🙂 I think most people need more breaks

  6. Amy Putkonen

    Hi Linda,

    This has given me an idea. Thank you. I love sharing things on the fly like I do sometimes in FB. I am going to look for a way to do this more simply with my blog. As it is now, each post is a major production, but does it have to be? Short updates keep it fresh and are easy to read. Thank you.

  7. Deborah Weber

    Great suggestions Linda. Whenever I go on vacation, I create a little journal ahead of time and then I fill it on the trip with sketches and writing, doodles and ephemera. For me it’s a fun easy way to keep up a creative practice and when I’m done I have a little reminder of the vacation as well.

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Deborah 🙂 Sounds like a great idea

  8. Michele Bergh

    These are great suggestions! It can be challenging to stay creative when taken out of our normal routine AND it can also be a huge blessing to get out of the day to day and do something different for a change.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes it can 🙂 Doing something different is good

  9. sacha

    Love this. I thought I was the only one bringing entraining and creative things with me when I go out. Love you main pic btw.

    • Linda Ursin

      You’re far from the only one 🙂 and even more people should. Thanks 🙂

  10. Harmony Harrison

    Good suggestions! I also bring my 8 inch tablet with me so I can write (tap, really) and use my tip-top favorite art app: ArtRage! It’s fantastic — I have it for my Windows desktop as well as for my android tablet.

    I also bring my old-fashioned analog journal and pen with me whenever I travel. Writing longhand in the morning is a sure way for me to stay connected with my creativity, intuition, and personal path.

    That landscape painting at the top of this post? It looks really fun! Would love to your art enlarged on a post like this. I clicked through the image to see it in a larger format.

    • Linda Ursin

      I have to check out that app if it’s available for my stuff. Thanks for the tip, and the comment 🙂 I sometimes post larger images, but this one wasn’t of a quality that was good enough to have it much larger.

  11. Kelly L McKenzie

    I use my phone all the time for photos and I need to get more creative. Going to check out Pixlr. Thanks for the heads up!


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