To get out of overwhelm you have to get your priorities straight. Put yourself at the top of that list of priorities. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else either. Start today by setting aside some time just for you. Use that time to do something you want to do; read a book, meditate, pick up a neglected hobby, take a bath or just a nap. When you make it a habit to set aside time for yourself, you’ll notice that you have more energy to do what you need to do. I’ll get back to you on that to-do-list of yours. I bet there’s a lot on there that shouldn’t be.
I’m really late getting to this – it’s been a crazy week! 🙂
You are so so spot-on there. We think we don’t have time to look after ourselves when we’re busy, but really when we do practice self-care, time suddenly seems to magically expand. The people who get the most done, are those who take care of themselves.
Thanks 🙂 Yes it is.
Great article and video. I agree that we need time to step back and relax and just reflect on the day. Let us not get get caught up with our numerous tasks and be overwhelmed by it.
Thanks Lynne 🙂 It inspired me to create my latest program “Pain-free Guide to Getting Organized and Ending Overwhelm THIS WEEK” 🙂