I would like to take some time to explain how I make the things I make, and what I use when I make them. Since I just moved and re-built my webshop, I’ll start with one of the products I have there – the amulet bags.

The materials I use for the bags themselves are usually 100 % natural, mostly leather or wool. I sew the bags by hand from a rectangular piece that’s about 6Β x 5 cm, and a round piece for the bottom. The strings I use are also from natural materials, like for example waxed cotton, linen thread, or a leather strap.

What’s inside an amulet bag?

As forΒ to what’s inside, that when it becomes interesting, and a bit complicated. It all starts with the purpose of the amulet. Let’s say it’s for inspiration (in general).

I start with the herbs. For inspiration, I’d add Bay Laurel, Cloves, Willow Bark, and some Fir needles.

Then I’d have a look at crystals, and check in with my intuition if it’s appropriate for that bag. For an inspiration bag, I’d use a Citrine or a piece of Amber.

If my intuition tells me so, I’d also add a rune. Either a bind rune, a cipher rune or just a normal rune. I might choose to carve it in a piece of wood, and put it inside the bag, or I might choose to sew the pattern on the outside. Several of the ready made amulet bags have bind or cipher runes on the outside. For inspiration, I would most likely choose this bind rune:

Bind rune for inspiration


It’s a combination of the rune Laugr, and the rune Ur, with Naudr as a bi-product. It sort of turns into “I need the primal power andΒ flow of creativity and intuition”.

For custom bags, there might be even more items involved, but they vary from bag to bag. When possible I try to match the colour of the bag to the purpose, at least for the custom made ones. For inspiration, the most suitable colour would be purple.

Since the most fitting number for inspiration is 1, I’d stick to one of each thing.

The amulet bag for inspiration can be found here.


  1. Sibylle

    Brilliant! I’m going to share this πŸ™‚

  2. Linda Ursin

    Thanks Sibylle πŸ™‚ I appreciate it, as always <3

  3. Jesse Webb

    I love this, Linda! Fun to see how you make things, and I’m inspired now to play with this myself and make my own amulet! Something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but wasn’t sure where to start until now… πŸ˜‰

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Jesse πŸ™‚ I’d love to see what you make when you do it

  4. Heather

    I love the process you through in order to create the bag. Also, I didn’t realize you could combine runes. That’s cool!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks πŸ™‚ You can combine any runes you like, within the same futhark. Just keep an eye on unwanted ones that may be a result of the way you combine them.

  5. Tammy

    it was great to hear how you make the bags and the thoughtfulness and love that goes into their creation.
    It reminds me how I was given a bag, however there was nothing talking about the intention of it or its purpose which would have been helpful.

    • Linda Ursin

      That would have been helpful, yes πŸ™‚ I usually explain what goes into the bags. So they know.

  6. Jennifer Castaneda

    Wow Linda! So creative. It’s so obvious that you make them through your heart and intuition, I didn’t realize they could be hand sewn. It’s truly a gift!

  7. Sam

    Hi Linda – these are beautiful… I love hand made products and I love how you use natural ingredients along with your intuition …and a pinch of magic! Thank you for sharing with us! πŸ™‚

  8. Sherry Brier

    I love little bundles of things that have secret and special meanings for me. I don’t know much about runes – I’ll check them out again. Thanks.


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