I didn’t have the advantage of learning about Nature from my mother or grandmothers, but I try to teach my daughter as much as I can about the things she won’t learn in school. One such example is herbs. I want her to have the knowledge I have, so she can use it later. I’ve started teaching her what plants are poisonous by mentioning it when we see them. I also mention the uses of plants when we come across them, and if Lilith asks of course.
Earlier this summer I asked her if she’d like to learn more about them, and she very enthusiastically said ‘Yes‘. A friend and I have started doing what we call ‘Nature School‘, to teach our daughters what we know, and to give them another angle on things. It all started with one of the daycare women trying to teach them creationism. Fortunately, Lilith didn’t bite. So far we’ve brought up the lunar phases, how trees work, the water cycle, and now we’re working on evolution. Later this year we’ll be harvesting berries and using them for jam and syrup.
How do you teach your children about Nature?
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Exposing children to nature is essential in helping them to learn about themselves and about their connection to a higher reality. My mother always made sure we spent time in nature. I fondly remember mushroom hunting with her in the forests of Germany when I was a child so we could make homemade mushroom soups, gravies, and dishes. What you are doing with your daughter is a beautiful thing. She will remember it and hopefully pass it along to her children.
Thank you, I hope she does. I used to go on full days picking berries with my parents. I never learned to pick the right mushrooms, so that’s one thing I still need to learn myself 🙂
I was never lucky enough to learn about nature until the military — and then it was the basics of plants that could offer healing benefits. This is going to be something your daughter remembers for the rest of her life; especially the quality time that you spent together. Since I know very little about nature, I’m not sure how I’ll be able to teach my daughter when she gets a little older. Now is probably the best time for me to learn!
Great post and thanks for sharing.
Yes 🙂 Learn, and then teach. It’ll be fun for you as well
Teaching your children about nature is always fun. We love the outdoors. My girls are almost fully grown but when they were younger, we used to explore and find different rocks. Break them open and see the crystals or patterns inside. Some of them we still have after all these years!
My daughter is a definite rock collector 😀 as I am. I always find stones in her pockets. She also loves digging in my crystal box.