Happy 2018 to you 🙂 Do you have any plans for 2018? Something you really want to do? Something you wish you could wave a wand over or snap your fingers and it would get done, or something simpler?
Maybe you’ve chosen a word for the year. Lots of people do, to have something to focus on when making choices. I’ve done it in the past but I honestly haven’t done that yet this year.
I do have a couple of plans though:
One thing I will do, is daily drawings
I will be making those YouTube videos I’ve mentioned earlier.
I plan to get myself moving and be more social, for my physical and mental wellbeing.
Other than that, I haven’t made any solid plans yet. Not what they recommend but I want to get my year started properly and check where I’m at before I start planning to change things.
What do you want to do in 2018? What do you wish for?
Is it connected to lifestyle, hobbies, work, spirituality or something else?
Is it a ‘magic wand’ thing or something you feel is easier?
Leave a comment below 🙂