There are occasions when I just go full steam ahead, ignoring the pain, without thinking, because I’m doing something fun or pleasurable, but I pay the price the next couple of days 😀 I know the same is true for many of you. For example the woman with bad hips who chooses to go shopping or the one with migraines who chooses to go to a concert.
Do you go full steam ahead, ignoring or forgetting about the consequences, or do you thread carefully? I probably do this a bit too often, but I’ve found forgetting about my challenges and the consequences occasionally makes life a lot more fun.
The consequences aren’t fun to deal with, but I’m used to the pain. It doesn’t worsen my condition. If it makes your condition worse, I’d suggest being more careful with what you choose to do.
Leave me a comment with your challenges, so I can learn more about you.
I often overdo it when I’m dancing, and then I get horribly stiff the next day. I should know better, but when I’m in the middle of dancing, I just can’t stop!
Another thing is reading through half the nights when I know I’ll be tired at work the next morning. Even if I already know how a book ends, I sometimes just cannot put it down 🙂
We should all know better, but it’s FUN! 😀
I do a bit of both and quite honestly, there’s no rhyme or reason to my madness. I link to jump in head first on some things and just Do It! Other things, I tread a lil more cautiously.
Btw, is it just me or is your CommentLuv not working?
My whole server stopped working. Seems commentluv hs taken a vacation as well. I’ll try to get it working again
I often go full steam ahead ignoring the consequences. It’s what life is about, pushing the boundaries and not playing safe! Like Sybille I read far too late at night and regret it in the morning but I just can’t put my book down!
I do that too 🙂
Linda – I’m a ‘full steam ahead’ sort of person. I don’t think I’ll change that now 😉 BTW – I like the background of your Blog. Nice.
I haven’t changed either, so I’m ‘enjoying’ the consequences of a weekend at the viking market right now. Thanks, I painted it myself.
Yes, I do this all the time, Linda 🙂 And I actually don’t feel tired at all, it only energizes me. It’s rather when I’m bored but have to do something that I feel more tired than I really should!
Going full speed was a lot less punishing back before I got the joint problems. But I still do it 🙂 In some cses, it’s mentally energizing, but the body doesnt keep up.
I’m normally the kind of gal that burns the midnight oil and trudges along with both barrels wide open!
Full steam ahead is my middle name! 🙂
🙂 That sounds very familiar. I’ve done that a lot