When looking back at your day yesterday, what is clearest in your mind? Is it the positive things that happened, like getting a big hug from your child, or the negative, like ending up with one wheel in the ditch when driving (like I did this morning)?
For most people, the latter would be easier to remember, but the first would be more important. I’d like to challenge you to focus on the good and positive aspects of each day before you go to bed at night. I’m going to do the same, and I’d love to hear how it works out for you.
Try it for at least a week, and write them down if that’s easier for you. That way you will feel better about your life as it is, and it’ll make it easier for you to focus on the steps you need to take to change what needs changing. Over-focusing on the negative parts of your life may actually cause you to stay in that place. To move forward, you need to focus on what’s actually good. Think of it this way;
Focusing on the negative is swimming upstream. Focusing on the positive is riding an innertube down it.
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Great idea. Some days I write down what I’m grateful for in a journal. Other days, if I haven’t written it down I think about it either first thing in the morning or last thing at night before I go to sleep.
A friend recently turned me onto a new idea (well new, for me) of each day, on a slip of paper, writing down something(s) you achieved, feel positive about, are grateful for, etc. and putting it in a jar. Then, at the end of the year you can dump out the jar and read about all the positive, good things that occurred during the year. Another friend is calling this her “Awesomeness Jar.”
Thanks. ~Debra
I really suck at journals, not just gratitude journals. I keep them for a few days, and then drop them. It’s always been that way. Probably because I keep myself too busy with other things, that I only remember the journal after I’m in bed, and then it’s too late, because I have to get up early.
But for others they’re a great tool. The jar is something I’ve seen around after New Year’s. It’s popped up on both Facebook and Pinterest, and I think it’s a great idea, especially if you don’t want to write an essay about every day.
Hi Linda!
I know we have briefly connected during the challenge, but it is nice to be able to spend some time reading your blog and thoughts!
I agree with focusing on the positive and how that helps us. As Deepak Chopra often says to people who seek his advice on how to live a more content life, “Focus on developing more happy molecules”. Happy molecules are happy thoughts, that in turn create happy cells in our body and mind. By developing more happy molecules, we in turn develop a happier more content life.
Be blessed!
and so grateful for this connection, Good Luck with the blogging challenge!
I’m grateful for every connection I make 🙂 All of my writings come from something I have or am going through myself in some way. So I’m so happy to see there are lots of people on the same page.
Great topic and something I also emphasize with my clients! It is so crucial to focus on the positive things in life – otherwise it seems like a drag! And that’s no fun! 🙂
What I do at night is think of as many wonderful things of the day – I do this quickly. Then, I think about what wonderful things I want to happen in my next day. Then, I focus on what’s happening Right Then – laying in a comfortable warm bed with the love of my life! I can’t help but smile, and that’s what I go to bed with and wake up with every day!
namaste, gina~
Queen of Mindset for Weight Loss
Those are great exercises, I’ll have to include them 🙂 Too many forget about the now.
It took me quite some time to “reprogram” myself but these days I really do focus on the positive. Some people get it wrong and say that it’s not “realistic” but they’re missing the point: This is not about ignoring the fact negativity and negative events and people exist. It’s about not feeding them energy by thinking/complaining about them, and instead feeding, nourishing, and growing the things we want more of in life 🙂
Realistic sucks, as we witches know very well 😀 And you’re right, it’s not about ignoring, it’s about what you choose to focus on, to spend your energy on.
Hi Linda – oh my – I think I’m a generally optimistic and positive person. But my answer to your first question – what do you remember about yesterday – shocked me! Immediately I thought of all the things I didn’t finish, didn’t start, or wasn’t happy with! Arg! I had a lovely dinner with my kids and a friend, and had a terrific day in general. How interesting!! Thanks for that heart and mind opening question, I’m literally gobsmacked – LOL!
I’m glad it hit home, so to speak 🙂
Yesterday I completed my newsletter and my blog post at 1.45am! What an achievement! I can’t remember much else! GReat post.. a good reminder.
Thanks, I can relate to the achievement. it’s 11:40 PM here, and I just finished sending one of my newsletters. Got to get to bed now, since I’m driving my daughter to daycare tomorrow, and it’ll be a busy day cleaning, baking and prepping for midwinter celebration and new moon esbat in the evening. Plus all the other stuff 😀 Have a lovely Friday 🙂
Linda, great post. I also try to create “special” moments, so I can remember the good things about the day. We usually remember vacations, but not the rest of the year. We can make a vacation every day, even if it’s 5-15 min.
Thanks 🙂 To take time out to enjoy life every day is very important. So those 5-15 min vacations are great 🙂
Hi Linda: Thanks for the suggestion to focus on the positive each day. It helps me with balancing my energy when I do, and gets me off track when I don’t. I also like the “awesomeness jar” suggestion, I just might try that.
Love and light, Tanya
I think that might throw us all off track. I’m glad you liked the post 🙂