I’m not saying it’ll fix everything that’s sapping you of your energy, but it will save some of your energy for what’s important. Here are your three easy steps to ease overwhelm.
1. Make yourself priority #1 [Tweet this!]
To be able to take care of others, you need to take care of you first. Make yourself priority #1. That way you avoid taking on more than you can handle. It also makes you more confident in your choices, happier, and also improves your relationships.
2. Get rid of the shoulds [Tweet this!]
Take that to-do-list of yours and a black fine-liner, and cross out every task that isn’t something you need to be doing. Things that others should be doing, things that you’re doing to try to be perfect, and things that don’t need to get done at all. And stop taking on new things you shouldn’t be doing.
3. Add some fun [Tweet this!]
Now add some time for yourself every day, even if it’s just 5 minutes to start with. Do something fun and/or relaxing for yourself. That way you reload and have more energy to use. It might not be easy at first, but start small, and it’ll get easier. If you want some help with this, book a cup of tea with me
haha Love it Linda! Very cool had you incorporated those tweets! 😉
Thanks 🙂 It’s something I’ve been forgetting to do. I really need to do that more. It’s easy though, you just have to use clicktotweet.com to generate a link for the message, and then do a text link in your post.
Lovely checklist! I find number 2 the trickiest, it’s so easy to talk myself into thinking I really do “need to” do this and that. Revelation, a perfectly clean house ISN’T necessary for survival! Putting a perfectly cooked meal on the table every day isn’t either! Hehe 🙂
Yes! It’s so easy, and a lot of what we talk ourselves into doing isn’t essential.
Make yourself a priority! So true!!! Practicing self-care is one of the most important things you can do. We can’t fill the cups of others unless our cup is full! 🙂 In fact, I’m taking your advice and having a cup of tea right now!
I’m hoping to help more realize this 🙂
Excellent post, short and pointed, and ordered correctly.
I agree with all 3 of these Linda. I always say that if I don’t take care of myself, who will? Everyone else has their own priorities and can’t devote their time to taking care of me. That’s why it’s my responsibility.
And if life isn’t fun, why are we here? Life needs to have moments of laughter, happiness, and just plain fun. Otherwise we’ll start to focus on the negative.
Great tips Linda! My fave is to maje yourself a priority, which isn’t always easy, but I’m getting better at it!
I’m glad to hear that 🙂
Love alk of these tips Linda! I must say that making yourself a priority is key!
Thanks 🙂
Life can be so busy it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the to-do list, I love your way of scaling it down.
Yes it can. Thanks 🙂 I have a longer version of that in my programs
Great timing! We just closed on our house today and our household goods will be here tomorrow, but I’m flying out of town tomorrow as well. I was getting overwhelmed and the hubs looked at me and said, “hey, we don’t HAVE to do anything right now.” And he was right. I wanted to do some stuff but we certainly didn’t have to yet. So we took all the shoulds out of our day 🙂
Glad to hear it 🙂 Husbands can be good to have at times 😉
I really need to work a lil harder on this…though I am getting better! Great post! Visiting from Blog Formatting your new follower Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose
It’ good that you’re getting better at it. Keep going 🙂 Thanks
Great tips. Having fun always falls to the bottom of the list when stressed and we often have things on our list that can wait. i needed these tops today!
Thanks 🙂 It usually does unfortunately
Hi Linda,
I buy your advice. Easy to say, easy to forget – but so important.
Thanks 🙂
I love these tips, so needed! Glad to see the Tweet this! links – I so love how you implemented them and included in the titles, awesome ideas!
Thanks 🙂 I’ve used them before too, but I forget them too easily
Great reminder to make yourself a priority. This one is so important. Now…I’m off to relax.
Enjoy your relaxation 🙂 Thanks