I really should get better at posting what I make on my blog, and not only on social media. Here are some of the crafts I’ve made in the last year.


A Besom
Agnethe's Prize for the rght answer to the November competition Tonje's prize for the correct answer in the January competition My new rune set Rune Amulet o, an Moose Horn Rune Lots (Dice Model) Small Besom Altar Kit Another Altar Kit Two spindles I made on a lathe Viking Age Stockings A Jeans Skirt The hobby horse I made for my daughter She promplty named it Brunolf Laila's Amulet A Popsicle Stick and Paper Smudge Fan A bag from an old pair of jeans Red Rawhide Rattle Green Rawhide Rattl
Mouse by svehex on DeviantArt

I’ve also made a number of things for the shop, like smoke bundles (which others may call smudge sticks), ointments, oils and tinctures. I hope to get better at posting my crafts from now on.

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