This is from my 100 Sacred Symbols collection,  and I thought of you when I selected it. Because today, I think, is a great day to connect, and express my appreciation.

Nobody knows exactly what the spiral meant in the beginning, but some suggestions have been evolution, revolution, awareness of the one within the context of the whole, connectivity and union.

You are, as a whole, a group of wonderful people, but individuals as well, with hopes, dreams, and desires. I appreciate every single one of you, both for what we have in common and for what sets us apart.

It occurred to me that everyone I care about and know doesn’t necessarily know that I appreciate them and why. That’s probably true for you as well. Wouldn’t you agree?

I’ve decided to take four weeks and tell people why I appreciate them, starting with you. If you’d like to do this with me, and I hope you will, I will post an image of one of my sacred symbol cards every day for the next four weeks, with a description of the kind of person it would represent. While you read the description, consider the person that comes to mind when you read it.

Then simply forward that post to the person you’re thinking of, tag my page (@LindaUrsinPage) when you send it, then we can celebrate that special person too.

Let the sacred symbols help you show you care!

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  1. Sibylle

    This is one of my favourite symbols 🙂

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 I really like spirals too

  2. Lisa

    Wonderful Idea! I’M in ❤


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Connect & Care Campaign, a simple and colorful way to show you care
Linda Ursin
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