How I create symbols

How I create symbols

I wanted to show you how I create my symbol paintings, and today I remembered to take some pictures for that. I start off with a blank sheet and an idea of what I want to create. For this one, I knew I wanted a symbol of Earth because I’ve done fire and water...
What does this card have to tell you?

What does this card have to tell you?

The card I’m talking about is the Ace of Cups, and the one on the right here is the Ace of Cups from my Arthropoda Tarot deck. The card almost always has an overflowing cup on it, so I made one for my card too. The usual interpretation for the Ace of Cups is:...
My trip to Sweden with lots of pictures

My trip to Sweden with lots of pictures

I’m back from my trip to Sweden, and very busy catching up on my messages and other tasks, but I wanted to share some of my vacation pictures with you. So I took the time to create this slideshow. These images were taken using three different cameras, so the...
My trip to Sweden with lots of pictures

Remember when summer seemed to last forever?

Remember back when summer seemed to last forever? Back when you were a kid, and you played all summer long? If you did any chores, you just did them, you didn’t spend hours thinking about them. Your thoughts were occupied with more fun things, like swimming,...
Want to get my art cheap?

Want to get my art cheap?

I’ve realized that I’m accumulating quite a large amount of artwork since I’ve been creating something every day this year. So I’m doing something that’s a bit different to take care of that. On my artist facebook page and on Google+....
Dancing Elves at Dusk

Dancing Elves at Dusk

This is the fifth painting in my folklore series, and the motif this time is a group of elves dancing at dusk. The mist on the forest floor is sometimes called elf dance here in Scandinavia. People used to believe it was the elves dancing in the forest. So I included...

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