This is a video of the complete process I used when creating the last bird in the Strange Birds series, the Hopping Dashed Hawk. All the 15 birds are now finished. This particular bird already has a new home, but there are still 9 other birds for you to adopt over in...
Why did I decide to do the Strange Birds, and why on Earth would I call myself one? I did my best to answer that in this week’s art chat. Unfortunately, the audio and video didn’t work that well. I tried a new piece of software called BeLive to broadcast...
Some say doing an art sale is selling out, or at least devaluing your work. I beg to differ. I’ve done them in the past, and now I’m doing one again. Simply because I need the space. I’m about to increase my production again, and I have limited space...
These fish are swimming around in their pond, not worrying about what goes on around them. The background was made by playing around with leftover paint from when I was finishing the Alfheim painting. I then talked about what to put on it on facebook, and one of the...
I’m creating a new series of paintings based on things people say, how they describe their current challenge. I’ve decided to call this new series “WordWorks” since it’s based on words. One thing that title doesn’t say is that the...
Because of other things taking priority, I haven’t been able to work on the tarot deck as much as I would have otherwise, but it’s till on the way, in case you wondered if I dropped the project 🙂 Last weekend, I finished the 4’s and you can see the...