I’m busy creating Viking things for this weekend’s Viking Market in Trondheim. My procrastination got me her, so I can’t complain. But I will be incredibly busy the next couple of days.
My todo list for the next 2 days (besides day-to-day stuff)
- Cut and sew 2 Viking age dresses. (I’m making one for me and one for Lilith.)
- Make adjustments to the two dresses I already have.
- Print and put up posters about the Viking Market.
- Bake bread for the market.
- Check that all the gear is ok.
- Make a new necklace. (Lost a bunch of beads in the shower last year.)
- Find a hairdo fitting a Viking age witch that my shoulders can do.
- Pack everything into the smaller car.
- Take my daughter to her soccer game.
- Go to the movies with my daughter. (Promised her to go and watch Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants this week.)
- Get the other to the shop and wait while they check it over.
- Buy a new bra. (Couldn’t use my refund in their web shop.)
- Go to the library. (Returning books and borrowing new ones for Lilith.)
- Pick up the market token. (So I can go to the concert.)
- Go to a Wardruna concert. (I’ll be reporting on this on Cackle Cackle Boom.)
- Create a new painting. (This might have to wait until next week.)
- Write three blog posts. (If the painting has to wait, so will one of the posts.)
- Write a letter to my list.
- Set up more tweets.
- Have a Creative Kickstart Session with a lady.
- Change permissions on the server so I can upload from my phone. (I promise to post some pictures from the market in my newsletter on Saturday.)
I just spent an hour looking for my beads as well. The gnomes hid them well 😉 I will not wait until last minute next year. I’ve learned my lesson (yeah right, but I’m working on it). I love going to the market. Reenactment is fun, but I also love the period, the history, and most of all the people. I have a lot of friends in this group, and I don’t get to see them very often. So I’m making the most of my housekeeper vacation.
What do you love to do to get away?
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That sounds like so much fun! And that to-do list is impressive, haha 🙂 I’m looking forward to this year’s pictures.
Myself, I don’t like to get away as much, because I’m away from home more than I like anyway and the best thing I can think of is to be with my budgies!
I understand that 🙂 I’ll be posting pictures for you