I realize it’s been quite a while since the last competition, but I’ve been ridiculously busy. I decided to do one for April anyway. This time I want you to find a particular artist, a painter. Take a good look at the picture in this post, and try to find the original. I can tell you as much as the painting is called Moon Dance, and it was created by someone I know.
If you think you know the answer, send it in an email, with your mailing address to svehex@yahoo.no before the 30th of April 2013. Three winners will be drawn from those who give me the correct answer and will get a little something in the mail. The winners will be announced in the first week of May.
The winners in January were:
Anna Lindberg from Luleå, Sweden
Diane Walline, Hilton NY, USA
Linda Wolffe, Portland OR, USA
The blog post I wanted you to find is on Pixie’s Musings: http://pixiesmusings.blogspot.com/2013/01/quote-yourself-happy.html
*goes to google*
🙂 It’s a beautiful painting in any case, so thank you for sharing it!
Smart choice 🙂 It is. The lady is very talented in many areas.