Can you make art from random words?

Can you make art from random words?

It’s time for another one of those art challenges 🙂 This time, I’m using a random word generator to select a noun, a verb and an adjective and then I try to make some art from that. The idea for this video came from the JimBobDrawingShow where they did...
The first sketches for the Creatures of Folklore series

The first sketches for the Creatures of Folklore series

If you want to see the initial sketches for the series of paintings I’m calling “Creatures of Folklore”, you can see them here. In the video, I also added something about a new thing I’m doing for my $5+ patrons on Patreon. The first sketches...
Painting stones for the garden with my daughter

Painting stones for the garden with my daughter

It’s Easter break here so my daughter and I had some fun painting stones. We love having some colourful spots in the garden, regardless of what season it is so we have some painted stones out there. We wanted more so we made some. This might become a new spring...
Being a multi-passionate is both a blessing and a curse

Being a multi-passionate is both a blessing and a curse

Well, ‘curse’ is a bit strong but it can make some things more difficult although it really is a blessing to multiple passions. You always have something interesting going on and you always have something new to explore. A multi-passionate person might...
Can you make art out of buttons?

Can you make art out of buttons?

Today, I’m going to attempt to make some art from buttons. I can’t promise it will be any good but at least I will have tried it 🙂 I came up with this idea while sewing eyes on a doll I crocheted a while ago for my crafts page on facebook and I thought...

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