This is what I’ve been up to the last few days. Well, in addition to correcting some issues in the webshop which took a lot of time. They’re the first two drawings for the Pages in the Arthropoda Tarot deck. The IndieGoGo event may have ended but I’m...
It seems this is a lesson I need to learn again and again. My body decided that I have been working too much and hit me with a virtual 2x4 to get the message through. On Monday, I was diagnosed with a viral infection in my lungs and sent home with Prednisolone (a...
I’ve been doing a lot of coloured pencil drawings lately, to create the Arthropoda Tarot deck, and I still have 40 more drawings to do. In this video, I’m starting the drawing for the 9 of Wands, and Ant dragging a pine needle up a hill. I had planned to...
Now, I know I haven’t started working on the Major Arcana yet, but I want to have clarity about which bug gets to be on which card anyway, and you can help. Look at the list of insects below and leave me a comment with your favorite insect for the Fool card. If...
Bugs are extremely valuable to our ecozystem and food chain. We need them to pollinate fruits, flowers, and vegetables, or we would get almost none. We need them to act as a recycling system, to bring dead animals and vegetation back to the Earth. Some plants, like...