Many times when we’re looking for our purpose, or working on trying to live it, we focus too much on the mind and forget about the body. That’s not the way to get to your goals. You have to be taking care of your body, take care of the ‘machine’ to keep it running. There’s no use in finding and living your purpose if you drop dead of a heart attack before 50. I try to eat healthy, drink enough, exercise regularly and work out twice a week with weights at the physical therapist’s office. I also can’t wait to be able to get back to Yoga, which is my favourite way to exercise. In addition to that, we might also be getting a pretty large dog, and that will add lots of exercise.
What are your favourite ways of taking care of your body?
Leave me a comment below
I love swimming and yoga. In fact I’m on my way out right now. And….. I love your name, Sassy Girl. Great post. Short and sweet.
Thank you.
Thanks 🙂
You’re so right. If you don’t take care of your body, everything else falls apart when you get sick.
Drinking enough water is one of my big “taking care of me” tasks. Also, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and taking a walk with the baby when the weather permits. I’d like to get back to yoga, too, once my yoga space isn’t occupied by a crib.
I also try to focus on the water. I tend not to drink enough if I don’t have it easily available. Yoga doesn’t require much room, maybe you can do it in front of the TV?
Getting off my butt, because I sit and write at my computer all day, is a joy. There’s a nice bike path nearby. I go out when it’s sunny so I get my vitamin D. It’s great for de-stressing, reviving and making me look forward to getting back to work.
AND, I make sure to EAT! Chronic dieting my entire life has gotten me to the point where I have to remember to nurture myself by eating. Otherwise, my metabolism slows down, I get cold and my brain stops working as well!
That’s reminds me: it’s time to eat! LOL
The hills and the lack of a bike keeps me from doing that. I used to go by bike pretty much everywhere when I lived in Sweden. Eating often enough is easy to forget. That’s what made me put on 50 lbs back in 1992. I’ve never dieted though, I have been maknig slow improvements to my lifestyle.
I make sure to drink plenty of water and get on the treadmill at least three times a week to get rid of all that stress 🙂
I would love to try Yoga and even Pilates one day 🙂
Exercise is a really good stress buster 🙂
Great post Linda! As a person who has been spiritually and magically inclined my whole life, AS WELL as having a weight problem, my whole life, I am really feeling this blog post. It is so important to take care of our physical bodies. I am trying to convince myself to get motivated to get exercising again, and appreciate the synchronicity of this post with my life:)
Thanks 🙂
Maybe we should start our own support group for weighty witches 😀 Jokes aside, it’s so much easier to stay on track when you’re not alone.
I love walking in the fresh air whatever the weather (there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes, right?) and I love yoga too but I haven’t done that for a while. I must get back to it.
…and bad joints 😀
Walking is my favorite exercise. And yes, a big dog does help and encourage me to get out there and do it! It seems silly how I won’t deprive him of exercise yet there are times when I won’t do it for me. I find that taking the labels off “exercise” helps — “I’m going for a walk” is so much more appealing to me than “I have to workout.” It sounds like work. Ha! 🙂 Like anything, you have to find what works best for you. Keep looking, you will find it!
Taking the labels off helps, you’re absolutely right 🙂
I’m a runner and I work out regularly. But I also really try to eat healthy and in the summertime we get our veggies from a local CSA…love that we have that option!
A CSA is a great place to get them. The same goes for farmer’s markets. There are no CSA’s nearby here, but we have great quality in the shops.
I’ve never owned a car, so I get plenty of exercise through my daily commute to work on my bicycle. But for fun nothing beats skateboarding IMO.
I used to commute by bicycle as well, when I lived in Sweden. Now I don’t have one, mostly because of all the hills here. I was relying on public transportation, family and friends up until January, when I got my license. I never got to try skateboarding 🙂 if you don’t count sitting on one when I was about 7 😀
I drink plenty of water, eat healthy, walk daily, and jog if the weather is nice. Oh, and I love my hot yoga once a week.
Try it if you haven’t, it’s amazing to stretch and get those toxins out 🙂
You’re doing great! I have tried it, and I love it. i just have to wait for my shoulder to get better before I can get back to it.