Things are happening fast in the witch’s garden this month. Everything’s growing like crazy. So I wanted to show you a few of the pictures I’ve taken so far this month.

I’ll be making a garden tour video soon, with more of the plants I have, but I want to clean the garden a bit first 😀


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  1. Kelly L McKenzie

    Wow – life is a blooming in your part of the world. It is here as well. I should be outside now working on getting it under some sort of weeded control. Thank you for the nudge.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes, it is 🙂 I need to get mine cleaned up too. I promised Jamie Ridler a video of the garden for her Spring Garden Hop. So I’ll have to get going on that soon.

  2. laura

    Your garden is beautiful. We bought a house in the country last September so I have been planting veggies and flowers for the last few months and am totally loving having my own, home grown everything!

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Laura 🙂 I skipped the ugly parts. Sounds like you’ll have a lovely garden soon. Would love to see it.

  3. Deborah Weber

    What a fun peek into your lovely garden. I LOVE this time of year when everything is fresh and new. A chance to get reacquainted with old friends and perhaps introduce a few new ones as well. I look forward to your video tour later.

    • Linda Ursin

      Yes, it’s a lovely time 🙂 I’m going to have to introduce quite a few new ones this year, to fill the space after the ones I had to remove.

  4. Thomas Maiello

    Fascinating pics. A joy to grow plants with intention and have the play along. Works really good if you can had sun and shade areas. Looks like you have a rich and diverse garden.

    Thomas Maiello

    • Linda Ursin

      I have every kind of area, almost. The North side is still undeveloped though. I’ve been thinking of planting something there too.

  5. kimberly

    Do you do herbology also? I’d love to hear about plant usage in your blog if you do.

    • Linda Ursin

      I’ve worked with herbs for over 20 years 🙂 There’s quite a bit about herbs on the blog. You can find them as a sub category under Blog in the main menu.

  6. Anna

    I am having winter now in Soth America. I miss Europe more when spring wakes up in the other speher. Especially that where I am, there’s no visible seasons, no many plants, no leaves no fall, no flowers to bloom. Enjoy your beautiful garden.

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks Anna 🙂 I’ve said I’m never moving further South than I already have. I like my changing seasons

  7. Liesl Garner | Love.Sparks.Art

    We are so behind on getting our garden in this year. Thank you for the motivation to go out there and start tackling it again. This is beautiful!

    • Linda Ursin

      I’m way behind too Liesl 🙂 These are the pretty spots 😀

  8. Harmony Harrison

    It’s so much fun to peek into people’s gardens, especially when they live in different regions from me. My favorite plant is “Don’t Remember the Name.” It looks a bit like plantain… but then again, it looks a lot unlike it, too. 🙂


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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
A peek at the witch’s garden in May
A peek at the witch's garden in May
Linda Ursin
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