Are you depending on others? Emotionally, or to get things done around the house, to help you with different things, maybe financially, or maybe for transportation?
I know I’ve been “guilty” of two of those for many years. I’ve been financially dependent on first my parents, at times on the government, and at times my husband.
I got used to being less financially dependent while I was working, but now that I’m not working, I’m back to being partially dependent again, and I’m not liking it. I’ve also been depending on others for transportation; my parents at first, then public transportation, and the lately my husband and friends. Public transportation, where we live now sucks, to put it simply. The reason for this dependence has been that I never did get that driver’s license.
Today that changed because I passed my driving test. Tomorrow I won’t have to walk 4 km to and from daycare. I’m not saying depending on others is all bad, but you shouldn’t hang your happiness or freedom on others. You should have some measure of control of your own life, and as much independence as you can get. It makes a lot of difference for your self-esteem. It also keeps you from being totally helpless, should things change.
So who are you depending on, and for what? Is that ok with you? If not, what are you doing about it?
Leave me a comment below.
That’s an awesome accomplishment! Most people depend on me – my adult children, even though they are off and very successful and my husband – both for kudos and support. I depend on friends and other authors to give me good energy and inspiration, but I consider that good, healthy, dependence. I’m so happy for your big step today! Take it and DRIVE! LOL! Great post!
Thanks 🙂 My husband and daughter depend on me as well. We all need friends and support, that’s really important to be able to ave a good life.
Congratulations on getting your driver’s license! I wish you many days of happy, independent driving!
Thanks Eula 🙂
Great article. I too depended on others for transportation … it sucked to say the least! But I must say finally getting my license was a great feeling. I was so proud of myself and the feeling of freedom was AMAZING!
Congrats to you 🙂 I know the feeling 😀
Guilty as charged. I’ve been dependent on my mother for about two years now since I returned to school. It can be very stressful because you have to give up some of your independent power when part of your income comes from somewhere else. But in the end I know it will be worth it. Nearly finished my degree and once I start working again we will all be better off. Give and take.
It’s hard to depend on others, but when you have a good reason, with a goal in mind, it’s a bit easier. Good luck with your degree 🙂 I never had the patience to get more than an associates degree, and that was for computer and server maintenance and repair. Not quite my true purpose 😀