These aren’t resolutions, this is a to-do list for 2012. Some of these are very ambitious, I know. But none of them are impossible to do.
- Be creative at least once a day
- Spend time outside once a day
- Get rid of 12 must do’s and get 12 of my want to’s back
- Launch two new product lines
- Create and launch the Rune Course
- Create and launch TYLB program
- Publish one article a month
- Launch at least two new product lines
- Migrate my websites
- Add more content to the website
- Get 10 new, good clients and 100 new subscribers to my lists
- Get down to 66 kg/145.5 lbs
- Learn to hand spin
- Meditate more than once a week
- Host 4 gatherings
- Plan and build my Horg