Today, I’m appreciating these three ladies who are experts on how to manage time. They’re good at other things as well, but today, I’m focusing on their time management skills.

Leanne-ChesserLeanne Chesser

Leanne is from Edmonton in Alberta Canada and teaches online women entrepreneurs who feel overwhelmed to create more time, achieve more balance and get more done from the inside out. She helps you diskover the real reason why you have time management challenges, and what to do about them.  She blogs regularly at, and a while ago I wrote a guest post for her blog called Master Procrastinator & Crazy Productive! When you opt in on her site, you  get a bunch of tips on how to take back your time.

Rachel Z. CornellRachel Z. Cornell

Rachel is from Orlando, Florida in the USA, and is known as The Pro Nagger and helps you stop using excuses for not doing what you need to do. She’s has developed road-tested methods that teach you how to keep move through the obstacles and believes nothing can cripple you but your thinking. You can find her at, and she has a special group on Facebook for bloggers called The Accountability Tribe for Bloggers. On her site, she also has the Accountability Chat, a free service to help you stay on task.

Jenny Shih

Jenny Shih

Jenny is a coach and consultant for creative, solo entrepreneurs from Corvallis, Oregon in the USA. When it comes to time management, she helps you set up systems so you can get out of the daily grind and spend more time in your genius zone. Her tagline is that Business doesn’t have to be so hard. You’ll find her at, where you’ll also find her free business guides.

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