You’re the only You there is. No one can be a better You than You. But You can try to be the best You that you can be by finding out who You are really meant to be, and what You are meant to do. This is true for all people – women and men.
Take a look at where you are right now; does it feel right to be there, to do what you’re doing, to follow the path you’re on? If not, don’t let it stay that way for too long, try to do something about it as soon as you possibly can. Living your life as your true self is so much more fulfilling than trying to fit into boxes created by others.
Why crawl when you can fly?
I hope this got you thinking. Do me a favour and share it wherever you can, so those that need it get to see it.
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Great post Linda and yes, it got me thinking. I think it all depends on where you are in life. At 44 yrs old and married, I’m content. I seriously wouldn’t want to put myself back out there on the market. I’m too old for head games and I do love the life I have, for the most part. Could it use improvements? Of course! Could I be a better person? Probably but I’ve been working on that for over a year now and the changes I’ve made to myself and a definite plus. I like where I am in life and what I’m doing. I think a lot of it has to do with loving who you are, both on the outside and on the inside. It took me a long time to get to this place, but I can happily say, I love ME! 🙂
I think you’re a very good person Bren 🙂 I’m glad you’re in a good place and loving yourself 🙂
One nice thing about my age is, you get to be very comfortable in your own skin. Mind you, I’ve always been that way and my philosophy is: “Welcome to my world. If you like it -great! If not – your loss.” 😉 Nonconformity is a trait everyone should aspire to, in my opinion. It does get a little tiring sometimes, to “swim against the tide”, but, it’s so fulfilling! 😀 Never let anyone else define you, yes?
Great post Linda!
I’ve found that too Debbie. I’m more comfortable in my own skin now than I’ve ever been since puberty hit 🙂 Never let anyone else define you, definitely. I’ve always done the “like it or leave it” 🙂 and you’re right, it does get tiring sometimes, but I always go back to it 🙂