In this episode, I will talk about sleuthing to find amazing gifts. I’m also going to give you a creative prompt, something you can do easily and in a short amount of time, to get some creative play into your day.

A small caution might be in order. If you’re sensitive to language, I must warn you that the occasional swear word might slip through the cracks when I edit. That might happen if I’m talking about something I’m particularly passionate about.

18 - You need to be a sleuth to find amazing gifts

by Linda Ursin | Creative Explorer Podcast

Show Notes

You need to be a sleuth to find amazing gifts

We all know how hard it can be to find the right gift for some people. Being creative makes it a lot easier to give a unique, personalized gift. You can make it yourself, or come up with something very close to their heart, that you can embellish in a way that’s personal.

You need to investigate your gift recipients to be able to come up with something they’ll enjoy. Don’t just think about gender and age when you plan your gifts. Do some sleuthing so you can give them something better than a piece of foreign plastic or a necktie.

The things you can try to find out are:

  • Personality type
  • Hobbies
  • Likes, interests, and passions
  • If there’s a cause they care about
  • Career
  • Sense of humor
  • If you want the gift to be practical, funny, romantic and so on

You can find these things out by remembering your conversations with the person, asking them, or asking friends and relatives about it. If you look at all these areas, instead of just gender and age, your gifts will be appreciated and loved, and that’s what you want them to be right?

Besides art, creative coaching, readings, and amulets, I also work with idea development. Around this time of year, I offer gift ideas when you can’t come up with one yourself. I know how hard it can be and I want to help you. So if you think you can’t come up with one, despite sleuthing, check out the link in the show notes.

Today’s inspirational words are by Sylvia Plath, and she says; “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt”. Doubting your ability or talent, thinking others won’t like what you create, being a perfectionist and not being able to finish your work are all versions of self-doubt. Self-doubt can keep the most talented creative from talking about and showing her creations. Don’t let it hold you back.

The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt - Sylvia Plath

Today’s Creative Prompt is to make your gift list for this year. It’s a good idea to have that ready before December starts. Start now, so you’re not stumped three days before Christmas (or Yule).

I’ll be sharing some gift ideas for a specific type of person for my blog post on Friday so look out for that.

Make it easier for yourself to be creative

That’s it for me for today. Thanks for listening to the Creative Explorer Podcast. The next episode will, among other things, be about following your impulses. If you have any questions, just reach out to me at Remember to rate and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.


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