Her er seremonien som den ble holdt. Bildene er satt inn i sekvens. Du finner mer under “Bilder” i menyen.

Før vi startet seremonien, gikk vi for å skifte, fikse hår etc. Vi gjemte oss i soverommet mens et par av våre venner holdt svigerforelgrene i stuen. Etter at vi hadde skiftet satte vi rekvisittene på plass. Ved foten av trappen, fungerer slutten av steinmuren som et naturlig “bord” for edsringen, lærreimen for å “knyte knuten” og drikkehornet med mjød. Mjødflasken lå i gresset. Våre venner samlet folk rundt bordene. Vi gikk ned hagen via trappen og bak Sibylle. Hver av oss bar en gudestøtte og satte den ned på gresset, lent mot steinmuren. Disse statuene representerer tre av de norrøne gudene.

Sibylle tar plass på siste trinn og vender seg mot publikum. Vi tar våre plasser to trinn over og bak Sibylle.

Sibylle hilser alle velkomne: “Good afternoon, and a heartfelt welcome to everyone present. Thank you all for coming and for making this a very special occasion. As guests at this celebration today, you will all bear witness to the handfasting of Linda and Jonny. I believe not everyone knows what a handfasting is?

A handfasting is a historical, traditional way of getting married. In our day, it is once again recognized by the law as a legal wedding. This means that after our ceremony here, Jonny and Linda will be husband and wife.

So to start off, I’d like to ask you all to find a good spot from which you can see and hear properly. Stand or sit down comfortably, take a couple of deep breaths, relax and become calm.” (kort pause, pusting)

“Look around and notice the four elements at work:

  • The earth on which we stand, the earth that nourishes us, that grows our food, the earth that nourishes every tree and blade of grass.
  • The water that circulates through every tree and blade of grass, the water that keeps us alive, the water that flows through our veins as our lifeblood.
  • The fire of the sun that makes life on this planet possible, the fire of the hearth that we cook on, and the fire of our bodies, our body warmth that makes us alive.
  • And finally, the air we breathe, the air that is all around us and that provides us and all life with oxygen.”

(Løfter hendene): “I call upon the gods and the Powers That Be to sanctify this spot of land that we stand on. May there be peace on this land and its people, now and for ever!” Sibylle begynner seremonien:

“Hail Day, hail Day’s sons,
Hail Night and her daughter!
With blithe eyes look on us all,
And send to those standing here victory!
Hail Æsir, Hail Asynjur,
Hail bountiful Earth!
Words and wisdom grant us
And healing hands in life.”
(Sigrdrífumál vers 3-4)

Sibylle ber oss om å komme nærmere. “I now ask our couple, Linda and Jonny, to please step forward to be joined together by vows and the Gods’ blessing.” Vi går rundt Sibylle så vi står foran henne, en på hver side.

Sibylle tar ut edsringen (laget av jern og smidd av en lokal smed) og holder den foran seg. Det er den vi sverger våre eder ved. Sibylle holder ringen foran seg med begge hender, og sier:

“Young you were once
And lonely you walked
Once you lost your path
Rich you thought you were
When another you met
For woman is the joy of man.”
(Hávamál vers 47, tilpasset versjon)

Sibylle: “I ask you Jonny, by Sjovn, Lovn and this ring. Will you have Linda to be your woman for as long as you shall live?”

Jonny tar tak i edsringen med høyre hånd og sier: “I ask all present to witness that I, Jonny, take this woman, Linda, to be my wife and that I fully understand this solemn vow.”

Sibylle: “I ask you Jonny, by Sjovn, Lovn and this ring. Will you have Linda to be your woman for as long as you shall live?”

Jonny tar tak i edsringen med høyre hånd og sier: “I ask all present to witness that I, Jonny, take this woman, Linda, to be my wife and that I fully understand this solemn vow.”


“Welcome thou art, for long have I waited;
The welcoming kiss shalt thou win!
For two who love is the longed-for meeting
The greatest gladness of all.”
(Svipdagsmál vers 64)

Når dette er sagt, holder vi alle fortsatt edsringen.
Vi besegler vårt løfte med et kyss.

Sibylle tar drikkehornet og gir det til Jonny, som gir den til meg. Jeg drikker litt mjød og deretter Jonny.

Jeg ofrer litt mjød ved foren av de tre gudestøttene, mens jeg fortsatt holder i ringen.
Vi tar hverandres hender og Sibylle legger edsringen rundt våre armer, rett over håndleddene. Sibylle tar lærreimen og binder den rundt våre hender, mens hun sier: “As this knot is tied, so are your lives now bound. May the gods smile upon your union, and bless you with health, wealth, and abundance!”
Sibylle fyller på drikkehornet med mjød og gir det tilbake til oss. Vi drikker til hverandre mens Sibylle sier:

“Beer I give you,
Battlefield’s ruler,
With strength blended
And with much glory.
It is full of charmed verse
And runes of healing,
Of seemly spells
And of pleasing speech.”
(Sigrdrífumál vers 5)

Sibylle holder sine hender over våre “bundne” hender og sier en velsignelse: “By the Winds that bring change, by the Fire of love, by the Seas of fortune and the strength of the Earth do I bless this union. I wish you all the love and luck in the world, for you both, your unborn child, and any other children you might have!”
Sibylle: “I ask you now to sacrifice the remainder of the mead for your unborn baby. Jeg og Jonny heller sammen ut resten av mjøden ved foten av gudestøttene, mens Sibylle sier: “May your child continue to grow in health, be born in joy, and then grow up loving and loved, and blessed by the Powers That Be.”
Jeg og Jonny snur oss mot gjestene, og Sibylle sier:

“I am happy and honored to present you, Linda and Jonny, as husband and wife!
-In the name of the bride and groom, I’d like to thank all those present for witnessing their joining in matrimony.”

Vi går ut av seremonisirkelen foran familie og venner og proklamerer begynnelsen av gildet. En liten foto session holdes, og deretter samles alle rundt bordene for gildet. Vi fjerner reimen ved å kutte den på hver side (uten å ødelegge knuten) og går så inn for å tilberede maten.

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