Today’s rune from the Elder Futhark is Bjarkan or Berkana (sound value: B).

Bjarkan means Birch. It stands for growth, nourishment, healing, fertility, birth, re-birth, new beginnings, spring, renewal, purification, healing, and recovery. Do something different for a change. Start a new project. This rune represents women, Freya, Frigga, and Mother Earth. It asks you to preserve your relationships. To get started on the things you’ve been planning.

Merkstave: Lack of growth, stagnation, domestic problems. Not a good time to start new things.

What’s your take on this rune? Leave me a comment below.

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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Thursday’s Rune – Elder Futhark – 18 – Bjarkan
Linda Ursin
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