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Sparkling Butterflies
Red Flower

Here are the wallpapers you signed up for

Don’t save the image shown on the page, it’s smaller than the one you need. Download them by right-clicking the link for your device and choosing “Save target/link as…”


Sparkling Butterflies
Red Flower
Woven Jewels
Shattered Poppy
Spirit Bear


Sparkling Butterflies
Red Flower
Woven Jewels
Shattered Poppy
Spirit Bear


Sparkling Butterflies
Red Flower
Woven Jewels
Shattered Poppy
Spirit Bear


Woven Jewels
Shattered Poppy
I look forward to getting to know you. If you’d like, we can have a virtual cup of tea
If you have any questions, just send me an email.

Linda, in handwriting

Spirit Bear

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