

This amulet art piece is of a Great Egret (Ardea Alba) looking at its reflection in the water. The purpose of the amulet in the painting is to find, see, and recognize yourself. It’s made on thick cardboard in acrylics. My daughter helped me decide what should...


I’ve always loved seeing the Cranes return in Spring. It’s one of the big signs of the season arriving here. This Crane is a mixed media piece in watercolour, acrylic and coloured pencil on sketch paper. Size: 29,7 x 21 cm...
A Swallow for Agility

A Swallow for Agility

This is an amulet art piece for mental and physical agility. To be able to think and move fast and with grace. The subject is a Swallow, more specifically a House Martin (Delichon urbicum). It’s a pencil drawing on sketch paper. Size: 25 x 25 cm...
Tawny Owl Drawing

Tawny Owl Drawing

This is a Tawny Owl drawing I made for my website. I decided to draw this particular Owl because I have a female Tawny Owl as one of my spirit companions. I also like that they’re connected with wisdom. It was created using coloured pencils and watercolour...
Talion, the budgie

Talion, the budgie

Sibylle, who’s a dear friend of mine, once suggested I should draw her budgies. So here’s the first; Talion. He’s a blue and white budgie and I have him sitting on his perch, but I removed the cage. Size: 30.5 x 22.9 cm...

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