I was late to the Soul Art party this year

I was late to the Soul Art party this year

Today is International Soul Art Day, hosted by Laura Hollick, and I was late to the party this year since a bunch of things conspired to not make it possible for me to do my art during the day. So I had to wait for the others to go to sleep so I could get some peace...
Even on a bad pain day, I create

Even on a bad pain day, I create

Even when my pain is worse than usual, on a bad pain day, I still feel the need to express myself, to create something. My sciatica has been acting up lately, and Sunday was really bad (imagine labor pain level sciatica) and all the shops were closed. I wasn’t...
Working on something for charity

Working on something for charity

This post will be short because I’m exhausted. I’m taking some time off really soon, and I need it. I’m working on a piece of art for charity. I’ve offered to donate a painting to a local cat shelter, and I decided to make a painting especially...
Great quotes on art to inspire you

Great quotes on art to inspire you

I thought I’d keep it light today, as it is Friday. So I collected these art quotes for you. I had to through a few funny ones in there, that’s just how I do it 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy and share them. Feel free to leave a comment if there’s one...
The Gift of Art Time for your Holiday Season

The Gift of Art Time for your Holiday Season

Today I have the pleasure of featuring a post by the lovely Carrie Brummer. She’s a fellow creative and a lovely woman to talk to. Among other things, she hosts free workshops that you really should take part in. There’s more about her at the bottom of the...

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