Hermetic Seal of Light

$ 300

Size: 30,3 x 22,6 cm

Materials: Watercolour on watercolour paper

As the eighty-first symbol, I chose the Hermetic Seal of Light. It goes back to Pythagorean philosophy, where the square, circle, and triangle were emblems of body, soul, and spirit. These three elements were believed to be necessary for an alchemical transformation. Hermeticism is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition primarily based on material that’s said to have been written by Hermes Trismegistus (who some say is a representation of the God Hermes).

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Hermetic Seal of Light - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin

Size: 30,3 x 22,6 cm

Materials: Watercolour on watercolour paper

As the eighty-first symbol, I chose the Hermetic Seal of Light. It goes back to Pythagorean philosophy, where the square, circle, and triangle were emblems of body, soul, and spirit. These three elements were believed to be necessary for an alchemical transformation. Hermeticism is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition primarily based on material that’s said to have been written by Hermes Trismegistus (who some say is a representation of the God Hermes). The texture in the background was created with lace.

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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Hermetic Seal of Light - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin
Hermetic Seal of Light - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin
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