Ananse Ntontan

$ 300

Size: 30,3 x 22,6 cm

Materials: Watercolour on watercolour paper

For the fifty-sixth symbol, I chose the Adinkra symbol called Ananse Ntontan and symbolizes a spider’s web. The Spider (Ananse) is a well-known character in West-African folklore.

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Ananse Ntontan - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin

Size: 30,3 x 22,6 cm

Materials: Watercolour on watercolour paper

For the fifty-sixth symbol, I chose the Adinkra symbol called Ananse Ntontan and symbolizes a spider’s web. The Spider (Ananse) is a well-known character in West-African folklore. The background was created with strong colours that were allowed to blend slightly and then covered with plastic wrap.

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Linda Ursin - Mythical Artist
Ananse Ntontan - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin
Ananse Ntontan - 100 Sacred Symbols in Watercolour by Linda Ursin
Prints available
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