Not expressing your creativity may cost you plenty. Are you willing to pay the price?
Some of the negative side effects of not expressing yourself may be:
The not so serious
- Increased boredom
- Increased frustration
- Lowered self-esteem
- Lowered self-confidence
- Lowered productivity
- Feeling stuck
- Feeling unfulfillled
- Poorer problem-solving skills
- Poorer academic results
The more serious
- Increased risk of depression
- Increased stress
- Increased anxiety
- Reduced feeling of identity
- Reduced feeling of meaning
You may not have heard, but self-expression is one of the human needs. Some scientists have placed it above identity and freedom. The link between creativity and improved mental and physical health is well established by research. A study by psychologist Gene Cohen showed that people who became and stay involved in art saw huge improvements in their physical health. Other research also shows that expressing yourself in a creative way increases the function of your immune system.
So why is creative expression often the first thing you sacrifice when life gets busy?
Why not let go of something else, that isn’t essential to your and your loved ones’ well-being?
Who do you know who needs to see this?
This is an excellent post to share with someone who’s not expressing themselves.
If you’ve been sacrificing your self-expression, let me help you bring it back. Just tell me which email address to send the information to.
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OMG the excuses! LOLz I’m too tired. There’s not enough time during the day. My to-do list is too long! I’m just too lazy and would rather sit here and relax with my eyes closed! haha However, I have been being sneaky with myself — those “relaxing” moments I’ve been using my Evernote to write again. I may just get in my 30,000 words this month for CampWriMo — NaNoWriMo 😀
Some day I will get my sewing and scrapbooking back into the mix. 😀 Not today but soon. <3
You’re right to do that. The only way is to take the time and energy to do it. It repays you with more energy and a lot of other good things.
Thank you for bringing this post to us today. I don’t think people realize the impact of not finding their voice or not expressing themselves creatively has on their health and spirit. I am glad to read this post today. What an excellent reminder for us all! -Stacey
Most people only realize it later in life. I’m trying to wake them up a bit earlier 🙂 Thanks Stacey
Hi Linda!
Thank you for this timely reminder. As a business woman I know that after work, self-care (exercise, diet, outdoors, spa) and rest often creative expression can be last on the list. I’ll definitely send the link to some of my clients as a reminder that creative expression is not an add on, it actually enhances not only the quality of your life but also the success of your business. Thank you!
I think most women experience this sooner or later. As long as we catch it before sacrifice becomes the habit, I’m happy 🙂 Thanks for sharing the link
Holy shit. Wake up call for me. I am learning to be more expressive again and I think most of the time I am so completely lost in this idea! Can you give me some ideas for creative expression. I am thinking mostly right now it would be helpful for me to be more creative in expression with my daughter when I am playing with her. She is 1.5 years old. I am not attached to a response as I believe your time should be honored money wise. However, if you are willing to respond a quick answer totally suites me! I have been noticing more depression and anxiety in my life lately and yes I am lacking in the creative expression area. I am a single working mother. I left an extremely unhealthy relationship that involved drug abuse and emotional abuse. I have come along way and yet I don’t feel as happy as I would like. I think this is a key component. Thank you for taking the time to blog. Absolutely profound!
Tagging along with your daughter is a good thing. If you’re on Pinterest, I have a board full of creative experimentation. Start small, and take the chances you can find to be creative. You have come a long way.