Someone asked me the following question:
“How do I get out of the stupid, expensive habit of buying everything needed for projects, and then never getting anything done about them. And who should I leave my creative stash to when I die – whoever will have the room?”

The easiest way is to start getting used to making do with less. Like painting with primaries only. But that only takes care of part of the problem.

You probably have some materials you think you won’t use, but that you actually can use for some other projects. Examples can be scrapbooking, quilting, or mixed media art.

As for materials, you do have, that you’ll never use, there are always people looking to buy it. So see if you can join some of the arts and crafts groups that specialize in exchanging or selling materials.

When it comes to not buying stuff for new kinds of projects, like crafts you don’t normally do, you just have to practice stopping yourself before you buy, asking yourself:

Will I actually do this, or will it end up collecting dust?

Self-control is never easy to learn, but you’ll get there. When you do, you won’t have to worry about who to leave your stash to 🙂

What was the last thing you bought, that you haven’t used yet?

Leave me a comment below.

PS. Subtitles are available for this video


  1. Nela Dunato

    I recently wrote on my blog about my habit of keeping a pile of sketchbooks I never use.

    Of course there are other things as well.. Fabrics, a fancy scalpel with a cutting mat, a set of color inks, colored calligraphy pen cartridges… Each of these I bought on a whim, used maybe once and forgot about it.

    I still harbor hopes that I will get to it one day. Giving them up wouldn’t feel right!

    • Linda Ursin

      I think we all have that hope 🙂 Thanks for stopping by


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