When was the last time you did ‘nothing’ for a whole day?

Those days are as important to your health as the active days. If it’s been a while, schedule a ‘nothing’ day within the coming week.

I don’t mean lying around, actually doing absolutely nothing. I’m talking about just doing things that are enjoyable, fun, and relaxing.

Go ahead, put it on your schedule now!


  1. Clara

    Good question Linda! Last time I did nothing was… this morning! yes! I had a couple of “empty”hours, so I had a tea in my favourite tea room, I read for a while, had a walk and bought a bag… when I got back to work I had much more energy!

  2. Margaret

    It is in the making….coming up in Feb. can hardly wait.

    • Linda Ursin

      Good 🙂 I’ve got the weekend to myself. So I’m doing nothing in between the something.

  3. Remy

    You took a smile from my face with this post! I need one day of not doing nothing …

    • Linda Ursin

      I’m glad I got you to smile 🙂 We all need to do more of that.

  4. Remy

    Linda I’m sorry if I duplicate my comment I think something went wrong while posting. Ok like I mentioned before you took a smile from my face, I need a day of not doing nothing! Have a great weekend.

  5. Delia @ Blog Formatting

    Ah, that sounds so awesome! I think my last one was end of December when we went away for a weekend, it was great.
    Should plan to do more of those 😉

    • Linda Ursin

      It is awesome 🙂 and you should 😉

  6. Lisa Mallis

    Love this reminder! I actually took 1/2 day on Friday to just relax! I’m so much more productive now that I took some time off!

    Like the owl in the upper right side of your site. Is that new – or did I just not notice it before?

    • Linda Ursin

      Thanks 🙂 It helps to take some time off. Pity a lot of people don’t understand they’ll get more done that way. The Owl has been there for a month or so, along with the Otter on the front page. I drew them because the site needed a bit of artwork.


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