First the news
Yes, I know you want to hear about the gifts, but be patient 🙂
1. I’m simplifying my business
I’ve set myself some goals for the rest of 2015, and most of them have to do with making life easier. I am disabled, and I do have a limited amount of energy. I’d like to spend that on what I love (creation for one), and less on administration and housework. So I’m making some changes. I’ll tell you what they are as they happen.
2. I will be going back to blogging on more subjects
Sticking to one subject for a long period of time has never worked well for me. The business experts say you should, but I’m choosing to be myself, and break that rule. You can find the categories under Blog in the menu at the top, so you can choose what you read about. I’ll try to have the categories appear on specific days, so you’ll know when new stuff is published for your favorite categories.
3. I’ve set up two new newsletters
Because I cover more areas, I’ve decided to create two more newsletters, so I get to write about more of what I love, and so you can choose what you read.
Creative Letters These are the letters I’ve been sending out on Saturdays, with creative tips, info, tricks, self-care, inspiration.
Artsy letters This is new, and the letters will be about art (tips, techniques, ideas, shortcuts, and my own art), and go out on Wednesdays.
Witchy Letters The other new one, which will be about the witchy stuff I do (runes, tarot, herbs, books, tools, radio shows, products and imagery), and will be sent on Thursdays.
I hope this will be more satisfying for both you and me.
And now for the gifts
I have one sign-up gift for each of the new lists. For the artsy letters, it’s 10 postcards you can print out, and for the witchy letters it’s a report on how you can get the best possible reading. But I’ve decided to give you an extra gift if you sign up. There is a catch, you have to send me an email at linda (a) to get it.
Creative Letters
Bonus gift: A solution to your website frustrations (whether it’s technical, design or graphics).
What to send me: Tell me what your current website frustration is, and I’ll reply with a first step to a solution.
Artsy Letters
Bonus gift: A small, intuitive painting (delivered digitally)
What to send me: Your photo and your first name.
Witchy Letters
Bonus gift: A rapid resolve reading. I will deliver this as a video every week, but I won’t mention your name (unless you tell me it’s ok).
Question: Just send me your question for the reading, and I’ll do the reading.
I will also be doing a giveaway for everyone on my lists, where I pick a name out of my bowl. I haven’t decided on what to give you yet, so you’ll have to keep an eye on the blog for more on that.
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We’re in sync Linda. I have a similarly themed post planned for Monday – I hate feeling hemmed in by a ‘niche’. It doesn’t work for me either.
Yes 🙂 I don’t like the limitations people say I should put on myself. There are poobahs in business as well as in Paganism 🙂
Yay for you, Linda, for doing things in a way that works for you!! That is so important. 🙂
Thank you Jesse 🙂 Yes it is
Great to hear that you are doing what works for you! Breaking the rules can bring such freedom 🙂 but you need to do this to find your own path!
Yes it can 🙂 Everyone needs to find their own path
I love reading “I’m breaking the rules”!! You have to do what’s in alignment with you, otherwise you’ll stagnate trying to follow the ‘right’ thing to do (as it sounds like you’ve already experienced). You have created such generous offers…and I think I’ll just have to take you up on one! 😉
Yes, you do 🙂 Thank you Marcie, and welcome to the list
Wishing you the best Linda! You are giving lots of value to your all your beautiful tribes. xoxo And teaching me to do things MY way is the only way for me to thrive.
Thanks Jennifer. That’s one of my goals 🙂