This post won’t be very long because I have to get back to the bookkeeping, or ‘bookeeping’, as I once called it by accident.
I know they’re the interesting, exciting and mysterious pagans. But why is it that almost every time a paper does an editorial or interview with a Pagan or Heathen, that they always pick the flashy ones?
The ones with all the props, and sadly often little knowledge. The ones who say everyone does it their way. I’ve maybe seen two or three interviews where the subject hasn’t come off as a so-called ‘fluffy bunny’ or airhead, and even fewer of everyday Pagans and Heathens. How can we go about getting the ‘real’ people in articles, without seeming boring to the public? It would help correct the distorted image regular people have of us.
This post is part of the Pagan Blog Project, created by Rowan Pendragon.
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I can understand where you are coming from and there was a time in the San Francisco Bay Area, that we had this problem. However, that has changed a lot, but it took time. You have to educate the media. Not an easy task. Over the last 20 – 30 years, the media has sought out those in the pagan community who have knowledge, experience, dedication, a strong sense of self and are good speakers. In the East Bay where I live, I have been sought out in October (everyone eye roll, come on) for interviews. I can honestly say the interviewers listen and wrote good stories. It also helps if you can talk to the editor before the interview and let him/her know where you stand as a pagan. It’s okay to set ground rules. So, there is hope for those editors and interviewers. ~Blessings
I’ve been sought out for interviews multiple times, but when I explain where I stand, all the professional journalists lose interest, and start asking if I know of any Wiccans who might be available for interview.
Unfortunately the media needs to sell itself whether it is the news or magaizines, newspapers etc and they want that flash with no substance! And most knowledge, “normal” (if there is a such thing) pagans (at least the ones I know) are in the closet or simply don’t want the unwanted publicity.
True. They do want the flash with no substance. I know a number of ‘normal’ pagans who are public about their path. But we’re not interesting enough.